About Autism in Toddlers Tools

ASD Video Glossary Print Materials

Print materials to provide details or to offer ideas or suggestions on specific topics and content covered in the ASD Video Glossary. Click the thumbnails below to download the materials.

About Autism Navigator ASD Video Glossary
This document provides information about the side-by-side video clips in the ASD Video Glossary illustrating Diagnostic Features based on the DSM-5 diagnostic framework and commonly used Treatments in the following sections-behavioral interventions, developmental interventions, structured teaching and supports, clinical therapies, and toddler treatment models.

ASD Video Glossary Diagnostic Features Section
This document has the text in the ASD Video Glossary Diagnostic Features section-definitions of the diagnostic features above the side-by-side video players, and details describing each clip under the videos.

ASD Video Glossary Treatment Section
This document contains text that goes with the ASD Video Glossary Treatment Section, including the following: 1) Table of Contents-click on a treatment name to quickly find each treatment in this file; 2) Overview of the Treatment Section with the definitions above the video players; and 3) Information about each treatment-an overview, the complete caption below each side-by-side video player, a description of features about each treatment, where to find more information, and a list of top research studies supporting the treatment.

ASD Video Glossary Terms of Use
These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the Autism Navigator collection of courses, tools, including the Autism Navigator ASD Video Glossary, and content on the web site located at https://autismnavigator.com

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